ETMA has conducted national and international conferences from time to time. These conferences were attended by top global and national leaders.
1997. World conference on India: The Next Millennium in collaboration with All India Association for Educational Technology. The Conference was in celebration of 5oth Anniversary of Indian Independence. It was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India and addressed by his senior cabinet colleagues, besides many global leaders in the field of Education. few copies of the Conference proceedings containing all paper are available in the book, Education India: The Next Millennium.
2007. Universal Quality Education for All:An International Conference. This Conference was sponsored by UNICEF. ETMA published the book Quality Education for All , containing selected papers from the Conference. (Report available)
2009. A conference on “Every Child Matters’ was conducted focusing on helping children with learning disorders and disabilities.
2011. Indian Education: The Positive Turmoil. The Conference was collaborated by NUPEA, NCTE, CBSE, UNESCO, NIIT, BEI and INTEL. (Report available)
2012. International Conference on ICT Culture in Educationattracted delegates from 14 different countries.
2016. An International Conference on Science of Human Learning. It was held in collaboration with Stockholm University and UNICEF. The conference was addressed by scholars from New Castle University, Stockholm University, India’s former Ambassador to Sweden and Ambassador of Sweden in India. Delegates were from Sweden, Canada, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Thailand, Nepal and all states of India.
2020. International Conference on Hybrid, Blended and e-learning. It was an online conference attended by more than 700 participants. The Conference was inaugurated by the President of the Commonwealth of Learning (Vancouver). Eminent scholars from Athabasca, British Columbia, COL, Stockholm, New Castle Universities addressed the Conference. The e-copy of the report is available on ETMA website.
Conference 2023: To celebrate 30 years of ETMA, it will organise a World Conference on Holistic Education for Global Peace and Harmony (Tentative Title). Exact dates of the Conference will be announced on this website.